Sunday, October 24, 2010

Diet Starts Tomorrow...Seriously, It Does

I'm a big fella and that isn't going to change....much.
I'm nearly 6ft tall, but look bigger. A lot of my height is in my legs, so my torso looks big; my shoulders & chest have always looked big. I have quiet big well defined thighs.
And a fat gut!

Over the last few years, I've put on the pounds, especially while at Thales & over the last 8 months since I left, but sitting on my arse, job-searching, watching movies & surfing all day will do that to you.

So the diet starts tomorrow. No it really does. I'm not looking forward to it because I like food and I like to cook food. Diet food is normally simple to prepare &, of course, lack the stodge & fat we all like and adds the flavours we love. Boiled lettuce, poached celery & rice cakes will be the norm for the foreseeable future.

Except, of course, its not a real diet. I'm just changing what & how I eat. My first step is to get rid of temptation. So, the chocolate & snacks are gone, the bread & meat-bias is reduced, vegetables & fish content is increased. Just eating less is the main element. Of course, I'm still going to allow myself a treat every so often but I'm going to be strict outside of that. I want to get back to linebacker shape not offensive lineman. Ok, I'll never get back to that, but its the right direction.
Its the best I can do at the moment, its a start, just to shift some bulk. That and some more exercise will help.

The other thing that will help will be a buddy. I've entered into a loose agreement with Sarah Kalwarowsky (h2osarah on Twitter) to support each other to get ourselves going. Its not going to be simple but we have to give it a go, if only for our own piece of mind.

As a final point, I have no target weight, just a target body/face shape. I'm always going to look like big fella, and that's not bad thing.

(Also its been a while I posted something here. I did start a couple of reviews, one of Mitch Benn & one of Lox Quatros Cvnts, but too much has passed now, so they are gone. Well I might finish them some time & explain the Porkeye twitter name en route.)

1 comment:

  1. In my experience (because I know everyone's body works differently), exercise is as important as what you do/don't eat. Certainly in terms of keeping toned as you lose the weight.

    That aside, I wish you well, and applaud you for not setting a target-weight. Very sensible :)
