Thursday, September 30, 2010

Difficult Second Post

First off, thanks to all for the kind words now I've got started. As I said the first post was just a foundation, something to get started & build upon, and that got me thinking about how does one kick off a blog or other diary?

Those who have had on-line records for some time or up-date at least once a week, soon get into a groove and are either commenting in a professional capacity (Runway Girl, Shut Down Corner, for example) or from a personal experience point of view (Richard Herring, Michael Legge, RAFAirman), and as a result have plenty to draw upon, must have started somewhere. They either re-casted news and added opinion or used the media as advertising or self-review, so they always have something to contribute. They're also professional writers, which helps. So what have I let myself in for?

As I prepared to publish, and after asking for input from chums, I read their blogs & those of "professional" bloggers to track down their first, early efforts to get a feel & to see how they started and where I stand as a beginner. Results were variable, ranging from, as I thought, adverts for gigs, re-publishing industry news in one place perhaps with an editorial comment to full blown introductions to what they were going to be writing about. So having my fear allayed, I pressed that publish button, and, huzzah, I have an on-line vent for my spleen or platform for my opinions.

And you know what? The fear is gone. Yes I was nervous to start this; so many others blog and so much better than this will ever be, but I stopped worrying about that once it was live. I'll write what I like, when I like, and if readers don't agree, we can discuss it openly via the comment box or they can stop reading.

I do think more people should try this. Once that initial post is done, the blogshere (I do not like that phrase) is one's oyster, as the "experts" show. Let your thoughts flow freely, express your opinions, respond to others, develop a theme or focus, but at least give it a go.

You never know, you might be good, it could become a regular thing, either as a job (like Runway Girl) or turn you mad (like Herring). :)

(Some new pics added to Photostream, including my Nan on her 94th birthday.)

1 comment:

  1. I think blogs sort of develop and grow in direction of their own. Like some sort of bastard child that you have no control over, they go their own way and mature in their own time.

    Thanks for the kind words about mine, good luck with yours. The thing to remember is to keep writing but only write and publish when you have something to say...don't just publish for the sake of it. Quality over quantity is the order of the day.

    Good luck and happy writing!

