Saturday, October 30, 2010

I wish we were Americans

I wish we were Americans at this time of the year. Its the start of the winter holiday season, as they would say, and they do it so much better than we in the UK do.

First, this weekend, is Halloween, one period of about 6 hours when we pretend to be frightened. Adults have fancy-dress parties, after taking their children Trick or Treating, in house that have been decorated to reflect to theme of the day. I have no problems with any of these activities; they're good harmless fun. A lot of people complain about it being an American idea. So what! That's not an exclusively bad thing and adopting such things from overseas is not such a bad idea. Those who do complain have been doing so for a couple of decades now and should really get over it.

In North America, its so much of a bigger deal and a lot more fun. I remember going to a bank in Bradenton Beach, FL & being served by a scary lady clown (not a scary lady, a scary clown) & the rest of the staff were dressed up too.
Other shops in the mall were elaborately decorated to resemble graveyards, haunted houses, mad scientists labs, etc and the workers were all clad in horror based costumes. Even the communal areas of our apartment was decorated  & the hostess was attired as Elvira for the afternoon & evening. All to celebrate things that don't really exist. (I suppose people do the same from Xmas, but that's an entirely different blog.)

However, we in the UK do them so half-arsed. Costumes look as if they've been thrown together, make-up is a bit under-whelming & the decorations are plasticy & cheap. The parties are just like all the other parties just in costume; we don't make "haunted houses" or play the Halloween games like Bobbing for Apples, Make a Mummy or Squishy Body. Children who go Trick or Treating rarely show any enthusiasm, not knowing the little song or having any decent tricks up their sleeves, they're just after some sweets or, in worse cases, money. The song does go "Give me something good to eat" after all....
(Disclaimer: I know some people DO make the effort but they are the exception to the rule.)

I think that's why I'm apathetic towards Halloween; if we did the event with the gusto & style the Americans do, I'd like it more.
So please, Britain, embrace the day, its a good mid-Autumn break just when we need a lift and put on a show. We'll all enjoy it more.

Oh, and let's have more Hammer movies on BBC2 & 4 all night.

(BTW, one week into diet, going pretty good; feeling cleansed already.)

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